Annotated Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2022, from, Inc. is a global technology business based in the United States that specialises in e-commerce, cloud services, digital entertainment, and machine intelligence. I plan to use this website as an aid in data collection. By utilizing the books department, I will be able to find information on books in my year range, 1980-2020. Apps Script – Google Apps Script. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2022, from Apps Script is a programming platform created by Google for the development of lightweight applications in the Google Workspace platform. This platform will aid in creating HTML tables of the country’s books researched for my project. Using previous coding skills learned in high school and further research, I will construct three sets of code per country so that my tables will run efficiently. Google Books. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2022, from Books is a Google Inc. service that searches the complete text of books and magazines that have been scanned, translated to text using optical character recognition, and saved in Google’s central archive. Google Books will be my second source of finding books for my project. They contain more information Amazon does not have such as genres and the number of pages, key factors present in my project. Home—Twine Cookbook. (n.d.). Retrieved May 3, 2022, from Klimas designed Twine, a free and open-source tool for creating dynamic narratives in the form of web pages. This is the tool I will be using as the visual for my project. By remembering what I have learnt from my classes with Dr Esprit along with further information, I will incorporate all my knowledge into creating an efficient web page depicting my individual project, The Adventures of Caribbean Children’s Literature. Zotero | Your personal research assistant. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2022, from is a free and open reference management software that allows users to organise reference data and research resources. I will be using this program as an area to collect my data. It will help me organize my texts found as well as aid in the creation of my bibliography for my individual project.